воскресенье, 20 октября 2013 г.

Oct 4. Istanbul. Feelin'

Thinking about destiny and other applied things again. I had to change my flight from Istanbul to Tbilisi as very little time left before my trip and tickets got very expensive. Though, it happened that I had then to spend about 10 hours in Turkey. And since I have a Ukrainian citizenship why not?

So I get into subway, pick any random station among dozens and just start exploring. There is something magical about simple walking in unknown place and without a guide. It is like reading its karma and receiving a special energy that will follow you later in memories and behaviour. 

I wondered a bit in the streets of this modern city. I didn’t see a lot but already had experienced Turkish culture visiting kebab snack bar. It looked pretty good and the food tasted even more fascinating! Mmmm… 

I met a company of five hospitable Turkish men there that doesn’t speak either English or Russian well. They were smiling and encouraging me finally to choose any meal. In fact, the worthiest scene was when a homeless man came. Owners didn’t throw him away but even gave him a cigarette. Then a stranger stayed for longer time and started singing something in their native language. They laughed (in a good way, of course) and smiled to me. 

Everybody seems to be one family here, one patriotic nation. Maybe it’s just the first impression. Although, I like good impressions. See you later, wonderful Turkey.

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